06 January 2011

Shawtie get lowwwww....

So....I have diabetes. And right now my blood sugar is low. It just occurred to me that most people probably don't know what I mean when I say that, or how I can even tell when my blood sugar is low. So here is a first hand description. First, everything just starts to feel tingly and weak. I get really tired and getting up to get food sounds like the worst thing in the world. (I apologize to all the people who I have made get me food in this time of need, but really, it is a time of need.) Anywho, so yeah, weak, shaky, tingly, but not so much shaky, mostly weak and tingly. And I can hardly keep my eyes open or my head up. Like right now, my head keeps flopping back on the couch and I just want to go to sleep. But at the same time, I could never fall asleep while I feel like this. I feel like I'm tired and have a lack of energy, but at the same time if someone were to take my heart rate, I think it'd be pretty high. Sometimes I say, and other diabetics say, it's kind of like you're  about to pass out, but in all reality, I don't feel at all like I'm going to pass out. It's more like I'm going to fall asleep at any moment. My feet are a little numb and my eye sight is blurry. Not super blurry, but if I try to focus on little things, like reading, it's hard. I also am really hot right now. But don't quote me on that, that might be just because I have 2 blankets on, not because my blood sugar is low. Also, when I get REALLY low (which is not right now), my mouth starts to go numb. I always say it feels like my teeth are going numb, which I know isn't possible, but that's what it feels like, okay? I wish I could liken it to something, but I'm not sure what. It's really different from anything I would experience if I didn't have diabetes (or when I used to not have diabetes), but also something that happens on such a regular basis it's hard to imagine other people don't know what I mean when I say "my blood sugar is low." It's hard to focus on anything else, which might explain the odd behavior when my blood sugar is low. Because I REALLY don't care about anything.

Also, I can tell how low my blood sugar is, so MOM, when I say, "my blood sugar is low" it really doesn't mean at any second I'm going to have a seizure, it just means I need a little food okay? I promise I'm completely conscious and rational, and in completely control of everything I do. (The only time you need to worry is when I DON'T say anything about my blood sugar, and just stare off into space and don't act like I'm all there.)

Mostly this is an apology letter for those who don't understand what I'm going through when I say I need food. Not that it's some DROP EVERYTHING, EARTH SHATTERING thing when my blood sugar is low. It's a condition that I can deal with for a while, but I do need food. (When I say a while, I mean like 30min or so, depending on how low it is) I just feel like sometimes I'd like if other people knew how I felt and understood why I acted that way I do. Okay? Okay. Anywho, I really need to get up and get some food, but I also wanted to give you a first hand experience.

Also, one more thing. I have a tendency (so does Jared) to eat and eat and eat until my blood sugar is back up to normal even though it isn't necessary. Really all I need to do is eat something then wait, but if I feel like my blood sugar is low, I eat. and it takes a minute for it to get back up to normal.

Wowo, that was WAY longer then expected, and I could still go on. Maybe my next paper for school should be about this. Anyways, that is all. I hope this gives you a little insight to what it means when someone says, "My blood sugar is low."