17 April 2012

Life Advice

So here's what I've concluded about life...It's full of shots. They're inevitable. Yet so many people go about their whole lives being afraid of them. So my advice is to suck it up and take it like a {wo}man. Because you'll have to experience it many more times in your life. Diabetes aside, I honestly have to get at least 2 shots a month (like big ones from the doctor). It ridiculous. And I'm a little bit emotionally traumatized every time, but I know it's just going to happen again and again...and again, so I never complain. 

I used to be the kid in the health department who was screaming bloody murder and crying like their brother just cut off their favorite barbies' hair because they needed their blankie out of the car to comfort them while they get a flu shot. Have you ever had a flu shot? THEY DON'T HURT. At all. 

Anyways, 2 specific events in my life made me changes my ways. 

One time my mom had to get some crazy big shot in her shoulder and she wanted me in there with her to hold her hand. The needle was AT LEAST 2 inches long, but not only that, they had to wiggle it around in there for like 3 minutes!! Pure torture. But my mom stuck it out and didn't say a word even though the look on her face said she wanted to scream. 
Another time, my older brother, who I've always looked up to (and also has diabetes), and I were talking about how we have to get our blood drawn every 3 months for an A1c. This was when I had just barely been diagnosed and I was not happy about having to get my blood drawn. He told me he kind of likes getting his blood drawn. Of course I wanted to be like him, so I tried enjoying it too. 

I still don't enjoy shots, but I also don't act like it's the end of the world. I just take it sitting down (is that a thing people say?). Because I've learned that shots will be a lot less traumatizing if you don't act like you're going to die. Because if I did throw a fit every time it happened, I would be so emotionally drained. Seriously.

Moral of the story: 
Shots are as traumatizing as you make them. But they're also inevitable. So the less traumatizing you make them, the better off you are. 

I was thinking about all the times in your life when you'll have to get shots. Here's the list I came up with.
Anytime you ever want to...
-Give blood
-Have your blood tested
-Go to another country
-Go on a mission
-Have a baby
-Get a cavity
-Get bit by a dog or a raccoon...or any other type of animal. Or step on a nail.
-If you want an anesthetic (this covers a lot of different kinds of shots)
-Get a flu shot
-Go to kindergarten
-Live past the age of 10