11 November 2012


So, on the first day of school this year I invited a game. It's called 

Too Hispster To Live.

When I see someone who is waaaaay too hipster, they die. Simple as that.
It's pretty fun to play. Tonight my friend Nicole found this gem....

Guess I'm not the only one who thinks that.

30 May 2012

22 more things I believe...

1. Kissing on a first date is never a good idea
2. Girls have two ladders, boys have one (if you don't understand, go here)
3. UVU students shouldn't wear BYU stuff to school
4. A whole stick of gum is too much
5. The correct term for a rubber scraper is a 'kid cheater'...because it cheats the kids out of licking the bowl
6. Traffic in Provo is ALWAYS worse on Fridays
7. Guys should not be allowed to live in a house together...for sanitation reasons
8. Throwing your gum on the ground is bad
9. It's pointless to be friends with an ex in the long run
10. Everyone is deceivingly happy
11. Productivity creates happiness
12. Sun is better than snow
13. There are universal right and wrongs
14. There are 5 love languages
15. You can drink more room temperature water than cold water
16. Life is full of shots..get used to them
17. All those photos people pass around on facebook with the heart touching stories...are fake
18. Love makes people do crazy things
19. People are only attentive to the time expectation they have
20. Starting a movie you've never seen to fall asleep to is a bad idea...you most likely won't fall asleep
21. Everyone can benefit from going to a counselor
22. Dust busters are FAR more useful than people give them credit for

17 April 2012

Life Advice

So here's what I've concluded about life...It's full of shots. They're inevitable. Yet so many people go about their whole lives being afraid of them. So my advice is to suck it up and take it like a {wo}man. Because you'll have to experience it many more times in your life. Diabetes aside, I honestly have to get at least 2 shots a month (like big ones from the doctor). It ridiculous. And I'm a little bit emotionally traumatized every time, but I know it's just going to happen again and again...and again, so I never complain. 

I used to be the kid in the health department who was screaming bloody murder and crying like their brother just cut off their favorite barbies' hair because they needed their blankie out of the car to comfort them while they get a flu shot. Have you ever had a flu shot? THEY DON'T HURT. At all. 

Anyways, 2 specific events in my life made me changes my ways. 

One time my mom had to get some crazy big shot in her shoulder and she wanted me in there with her to hold her hand. The needle was AT LEAST 2 inches long, but not only that, they had to wiggle it around in there for like 3 minutes!! Pure torture. But my mom stuck it out and didn't say a word even though the look on her face said she wanted to scream. 
Another time, my older brother, who I've always looked up to (and also has diabetes), and I were talking about how we have to get our blood drawn every 3 months for an A1c. This was when I had just barely been diagnosed and I was not happy about having to get my blood drawn. He told me he kind of likes getting his blood drawn. Of course I wanted to be like him, so I tried enjoying it too. 

I still don't enjoy shots, but I also don't act like it's the end of the world. I just take it sitting down (is that a thing people say?). Because I've learned that shots will be a lot less traumatizing if you don't act like you're going to die. Because if I did throw a fit every time it happened, I would be so emotionally drained. Seriously.

Moral of the story: 
Shots are as traumatizing as you make them. But they're also inevitable. So the less traumatizing you make them, the better off you are. 

I was thinking about all the times in your life when you'll have to get shots. Here's the list I came up with.
Anytime you ever want to...
-Give blood
-Have your blood tested
-Go to another country
-Go on a mission
-Have a baby
-Get a cavity
-Get bit by a dog or a raccoon...or any other type of animal. Or step on a nail.
-If you want an anesthetic (this covers a lot of different kinds of shots)
-Get a flu shot
-Go to kindergarten
-Live past the age of 10

20 March 2012

37 things I BELIEVE....

I believe...

1. Easter has the best candy
2. Regina Sparks is the devil
3. Sign language is more convenient than spoken language
4. Everyone's lives are exciting on Facebook
5. Ducks are the cutest
6. Family are the best friends
7. Disney movies are classic
8. Dancing is the best way to get cheered up
9. If you act a certain way it will eventually become a reality
10. Cardis and tights are a staple
11. People believe in trends, not values
12. Magic is disappointing when you know how to do it
13. Time will pass and you'll be fine
14. There is some truth behind every joke
15. You can see dirt come off your hands EVERY time you wash them, you just have to do it good enough
16. If you put C.O. Bigelow Mentha lipgloss on before you go to sleep, it whitens your teeth
17. Music is a type of therapy
18. Diabetes is fun
19. Working out makes you feel accomplished and increases your self esteem
20. 13 lbs. of direct pressure can break a collar bone
21. If you need friends, go serve someone
22. Think of your hardest trial...everyone has one, so be nice
23. Honking results in nothing but anger
24. There's someone out there for everyone
25. When people cut you off, they have a valid reason
26. Everybody is too concerned with themselves
27. You can tell a lot about a guy from his shoes
28. People lie for no reason
29. I'm the best Muddy Buddy maker in 6 counties
30. Everyone has a lot to say, you just have to get them on the right subject
31. Nick names make people feel special
32. Fuzzy things are gross
33. Summer sales ruins girls' lives
34. Having a girl crush does not make you a lesbian
35. You should not answer the phone while you're sleeping
36. You can find people like you anywhere
37. Head lamps are the best invention since sliced bread

06 March 2012

Being in love with God

So, as some of you may know, Christian Rock is the genre of music that most often plays in my car. I lost my ipod some time ago, so I started listening to the radio. I got sick of stations that played the top 40 over and over and over again, so I'd find myself changing it to a station where I didn't know any of the songs. Then I found this gem of a station...K-Love 95.3. Since I discovered it, it's been on in my car 24/7. I really do love it. It's a christian rock station, and I've learned that christian rock is great.

.....but in some songs they talk about God like they're in love with Him. And it's way weird to me. I have always been kind of weirded out by that. Right? Like it's kind of weird, you're not supposed to be in love with Him.

Then I started reading this book called Blue Like Jazz, by Donald Miller (recommended by my good friend Heath). It's a nonreligious book about christian spirituality. And last night I was reading it and there was a paragraph that kind of shed some light on the "being in love with God" idea. Here it is:

"Our 'behavior' will not be changed long with self-discipline, but fall in love and a human will accomplish what he never thought possible. That laziest of men will swim the English channel to win his woman. I think what Rick said is worth repeating that by accepting God's love for us, we fall in love with him, and only then do we have the fuel we need to obey."

So, I still don't think we should be in love with God. But I think what this concept is saying is that being in love gives us motivation like nothing else can. When we have a love like that for God, our obedience and desire to be righteous is sustained much longer and we will passionately obey Him.