29 May 2010

Blogging: The New Thing

So....here's the thing. I don't know how to blog. I've attempted to do it 4 times, but every time I get overwhelmed. I don't know how to change things, or make it look cute. I just don't really understand. But everyone is bugging me to make a blog. So I guess I am. 

So mostly the reason I'm making this here blog is because I have all these things I think about. Usually they're pretty cool or profound, but they're things that NEVER come up in common conversation. But I always want to tell someone about them. So I thought, "a blog would be a great place to share my cool thoughts and realizations with other people!" 

So here it is. My "common conversation" blog. Where the things I WISH would come up in common conversation, do. 

1 comment:

Lauren said...

hahaha this is perfect for you. you always wish really RANDOM things would come up in regular conversation. But the truth is that they dont. They only come up in your head. hahaha thats why I love you. Keep workin on this baby alright?! I have a feeling that I'm gonna love it.