30 January 2015

My rambling thoughts on American Sniper and the LDS community

When I first started writing this blog post, I was going to write this semi-controversial post about how I think it's wrong that all these LDS people are going to see American Sniper, when they are clearly crossing a line that the Church has set. But as I've been writing, my post has evolved, and my anger has disintegrated. And I'm realizing that I'm at just as guilty as these people seeing the movie, even though I don't watch R rated movies.

Here's why. Everyone sins.  I learned something from one of the many men my mom has dated. I can't remember which one, but I do remember our discussion about sinning. What he said was that in the LDS church, it's just "pick-a-sin, pick-a-sin." Everyone sins, but in different ways. And some commandment or guideline from the church that may be very important to me, might not be a big deal to someone else. And I think this is what I'm discovering with rated R movies.

Here's an example of what I'm trying to explain with this "pick-a-sin" thing. A while ago we had dinner with some friends on a Sunday. Everyone at the party was LDS. We all had a different food assignment to bring. We show up to the party and there's a few fresh Carl's Jr. bags on the table. (You're probably thinking the same thing I was right? Why is there fast food here, on a Sunday, and we're all LDS....) It's pretty standard that LDS people don't go out and shop on Sunday. ANYWHO, So the friend who bought the fast food, explained himself and said, "Well I had to go do my home teaching before I came, so I didn't have time to make anything. So I just stopped by Carl's Jr. real fast." At first, I had to chuckle, because it's just like...an oxymoron. You went and did your home teaching, and then bought something at Carl's Jr on Sunday?

 But then I learned something from this friend when I realized this is a perfect example of "pick-a-sin"

Maybe this friend of ours has gained a strong testimony of home teaching and the importance of it, and is a faithful home teacher, but doesn't have the same conviction about not shopping on Sunday. Where in the same room there could be someone thinking, "GASP!! He went and bought Carl's Jr on a Sunday?!?! WHAT A BLATANT SIN!!! That's TERRIBLE!!!", yet that same person hasn't gone home teaching in a year.

and I can think of a million other times in my life when I've seen someone sin, and that particular commandment is very important to me and I totally judge them for it, yet I'm committing just as grave a sin, my sins just look a little different (cough...judging them...cough).

We're all just trying to do our best. And just because someone else's sinning looks a little bit different than ours, doesn't mean we have to judge them for it.

Okay, I totally was NOT going for a "don't judge others and stay out other people's business" soap box here, and that's what it's turning into, so I'm gonna stop right there.

But I still am going to tell you why I'm not going to see American Sniper.

First of all, I think the reason each person thinks different guidelines and commandments are important is largely because of how they were raised and what was prioritized in their house growing up. And watching R rated movies was just something we didn't do in my house. I was taught my whole life that R rated movies are bad and we shouldn't watch them. And down to my very core I am a rule follower- so obviously I believe that too.

The second reason I'm not going to see it is because I feel like if something is so blatantly spelled out for us in the church, I want to follow it. And not watching R rated movies is very blatantly spelled out.

The third reason is because I'm trying to bring only things that will uplift me into my life. Things that will change me to be a better person. (as I'm typing this I'm realizing just how many things I do on a regular basis that don't necessarily make me a better person, but I do them without a second thought. Pick-a-sin, pick-a-sin). but I know that watching American Sniper is not going to make me a better person. It is not going to change my life for the better. It is just a fad (And don't try and tell me it will make my life better. I've had this argument already. Maybe it'll change my views about war and how horrible it is, but I don't necessarily think that's making my life better). There are so many times when I'm watching one of my favorite shows (mostly New Girl and The Mindy Project) and the episode is just down right inappropriate, and part of me wants to keep watching it SO BAD, and I'm having this total inner war with myself- like the good angel on one side and the devil on the other side, and I always ask myself the same thing: "Will it really make THAT much of a difference in my life if I don't finish this episode."

And I reach down deep in myself and look at the point of this life and realize that if I don't know what happens at the end of the episode, it's not going matter 5 years down the road. Usually the only reason I can come up with as to why I should keep watching it is because I will want to talk about it with the friends who also watch that show. Which, obviously isn't a very good reason, so the good angel wins and I turn it off, (sometimes begrudgingly).

And that is what I think people should ask themselves about watching American Sniper. Will it really make THAT much of a difference in your life if you don't watch it? Five years down the road are you gonna say, "Man, my life would be SO much better right now if I had watched American Sniper."

No! You're not going to say that! But it might make a difference to your kids when you're teaching them about choosing the right, and you tell them a story about an R rated movie you REALLY wanted to see, but decided not to.

Now that I've given you the speech I gave Sam about why he shouldn't see it....the point is, well...I don't even know what the point is anymore. This blog post has literally flipped a 180 while I was writing it, and is COMPLETELY not what I was planning on writing about.
So I guess I'll just stop here :)

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Do or don't see American Sniper, let me know if either makes you a better person.

1 comment:

Lane said...

Hahaha I laughed out loud when I read about the Carl's jr on a Sunday because when you said "you're probably thinking what I was" I was thinking who brings Carl's jr to a Sunday dinner and more importantly who even eats Carl's jr?!? Haha so it was funny what crossed your mind was who goes out to eat on a Sunday! Anyway I love that you stick to your values. And I agree about the rated r movies. I feel like it's just as simple as if it is rated r then it's just not an option. BUT also so true that everyone sins differently, which is funny because I was just thinking about that this morning.